Paul Favret Discusses a Few Ways to Save Electricity at Home


Becoming more energy efficient at home can help people to both save money and do their bit for the environment. Using all the light bulbs and appliances at home extensively may seem relatively insignificant, but all of them do add up. Choosing to save electricity at home can reduce the household need for energy. Paul Favret mentions that this can indirectly help reduce the demand for polluting fossil fuels.

Save Electricity at Home

Paul Favret discusses certain approaches to follow to cut down electricity consumption at home

Energy conservation, at its core, implies to the practice of using less energy to reduce environmental impact and electricity expenses. Actively conserving electricity becomes crucial for the longevity of finite energy resources. One does not have to take extreme steps at once to save electricity at home. Being more careful about switching off lights and appliances when they are not in use can be the first step of the journey. People can also save electricity by choosing to perform certain household tasks manually. This will include washing dishes by hand and hang-drying the clothes instead of putting them in the dryer.

Minor behavior adjustments have a huge potential for utility savings at home. Using an air conditioner less during the summer and turning down the heat on the thermostat in the winters can also be of huge help. HVAC costs constitute nearly half of the utility bills of an average home. Therefore, reductions in the frequency of HVAC use can offer commendable savings.

Even though unplugging and switching off appliances when not in use is great for saving electricity, doing so can easily slip the mind at times. To keep the energy-hungry appliances in check, it will be better to use smart power strips. A smart power strip solves the problem of not in use electronics draining energy. One can configure these strips to shut off electricity to appliances when not in use. A few models of smart power strips even allows people to save energy costs by setting timers to turn off the electricity supply.

Using large appliances together can help save energy use.  Appliances like washing machines and dryers do consume a lot of electricity with each use. To conserve as much as electricity possible, it is better to pool laundry together, whether as a family or roommates. Doing full loads at once is better than using the washing machine for multiple types.

Paul Favret points out that replacing the light bulbs at home can be a good way to reduce electricity consumption. Traditional incandescent light bulbs are known to consume an excessive amount of electricity. They also have to be replaced way more often than the alternative options. These options include light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs), halogen incandescent bulbs, and compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Such alternatives to incandescent light bulbs use anywhere from 25-80 percent less electricity. They also last 3 to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. Even though energy efficient bulbs are more expensive off the shelf, they are better for the long run. Owing to their efficient energy use and longer lifetime, they provide good cost savings over time.

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